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Cuki & Mateo ♡ Thornbury Castle Wedding, Bristol

A look at Cuki & Mateo’s Bristol Thornbury Castle wedding. This was a UK elopement all the way over from China.

○ What’s your love story?

7 years ago we met with each other on October 27 2012 and fell in love with the first sight.

○ Why did you choose Thornbury Castle?

Because I want to be a princess on my big day, I chose this historic and unique Thornbury Castle as our wedding venue.

○ What is the style/theme/vibe of your wedding?

The classic atmosphere of the castle – simple and solemn.

○ What music are you walking down the aisle to / first dance and why?

My entrance music is Mia invites Lily to the ball, because I like it.

○ What are you most looking forward to on the day?

The wedding taking place in a smooth, warm atmosphere and leaving beautiful images.

○ Describe your ideal wedding day in 3 words:

Romantic, warm, surprise.

○ Why do you like natural wedding photography?

It’s real.

Venue : Thornbury Castle

Thornbury Castle Wedding Photographer
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